Tutankhamun Autoflowering Cannabis Seeds


Autoflowering Tutankhamen cannabis seeds are a popular strain among growers who seek fast and easy growth without compromising the quality of the buds. This strain is an Indica-dominant hybrid, which was created by crossing a Tutankhamen strain with Ruderalis.

The resulting autoflowering Tutankhamen cannabis seeds produce plants that are fast-growing and easy to care for, with high yields of potent buds. The plants typically grow to a medium height and have a bushy structure with dense buds that are covered in trichomes.

Features and Benefits:

Autoflowering: Tutankhamen cannabis seeds are autoflowering, which means they will begin to flower after a certain period of time, regardless of the light cycle. This makes them perfect for growers who want a quick and easy growing experience.

Quick-growing: These seeds are specially bred to grow quickly and produce high-quality buds in a short amount of time.

High-yield: The plants grown from these seeds produce high yields of potent buds that are covered in trichomes.

Potent: The buds produced by the plants grown from these seeds have a high THC content and deliver a potent and relaxing high.

Indoor and outdoor growing: Tutankhamen cannabis seeds can be grown both indoors and outdoors, making them a versatile strain for all types of growers.

Beginner-friendly: These seeds are easy to grow, making them an excellent choice for beginner growers who are just starting.

Growing Tips:

Tutankhamen cannabis seeds are easy to grow, making them a great choice for beginner growers. Here are a few tips to help you get the best results:

Soil: Tutankhamen cannabis seeds grow well in well-draining soil that is rich in nutrients. Make sure the soil pH is around 6.0 to 7.0.

Lighting: These seeds will grow well under a 18/6 light cycle (18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness) for the vegetative stage and 12/12 light cycle (12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness) for the flowering stage.

Temperature and humidity: Tutankhamen cannabis seeds grow well in temperatures between 20°C to 28°C (68°F to 82°F) with humidity levels around 50% to 60%.

Feeding: These seeds require regular feeding with high-quality nutrients to ensure healthy growth and high yields.

Training: Tutankhamen cannabis plants benefit from low-stress training techniques like topping and pruning to help maintain their bushy structure and maximize yield.